Stathis Family History
Photos of the Ten in Their Youth, Set 2


Stathis Family History  
Another great image of photographic artistry by Demo. Rob, Bill, Tim in winter. Enormous icicles would hang from the Hancock Dr. roof and we loved those times to break them off.


Andrea, late teens in center; Barbie, so precious - far left; Lisa giggling, and Billy. Again, in Black and White Demo captures expressions like a famous painter. Likely Thanksgiving. The Stathis home at Hancock always hosted Thanksgiving Dinner, and Cannellos family hosted New Years Day's Family gathering.


David and Tim, perhaps ages 7 and 5.


At the Reservoir: Andrea, Rob, and Princess. Photo by Demo Jr.



Lisa mastered the art of being silly!



Tim and Rob playing the new Christmas toy!


Tim and Rob having fun in a duty on a hot Summer day with the famous station-wagon that took us everywhere. Likely we were getting paid a quarter for the job! Princess enjoying the company.


Adding-in this "next generation" ....Surya and Ahimsa washinging the family car, 2015....